Saturday, December 25, 2010

How are You Perceived

There is a definite distinction between having confidence and being arrogant. Sometimes we tend to think more highly of ourselves due to certain accomplishments in life. The completion of a Bachelor of Science or Masters Degree program, the purchase of a $200k home, a luxury vehicle or even a promotion call allow some to believe they are above reproach by those they deem less significant. While all those milestones are definitely applaud worthy, they do not put you in a special line for God's grace. Do not get me wrong God does know and want the best for you.

According to Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Remember until you break pride, you will not develop faith. And when you show all you have, that is all you are worth. God expects you to use your success to help others, not tear them down. Just in case you did not know arrogance is one of God's strong dislikes.

Be Blessed,

Lady 4.0

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

You Don't Know Me

Behind a sea of unknown faces I emerge, and I see scared people

Afraid to pass me on the street as if the plague they think I have
will mysteriously leave my body and permeate theirs

They say in order to know someone's story, you would have to walk
a mile in their shoes

You cannot even begin to know the places I have traveled in these
worn and tattered shoes. And if my soles could talk it would definitely
bring tears to your eyes

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord, but they have
also seen the bones of those the devil has discarded

I have seen and experienced more than most of you will experience in
your entire lifetime, and I am only sixteen

So don't give me your woulda, shoulda, coulda and whoa is me stance
you have no idea of the mentality I have from living on these streets
and the dirt that stains my hands

You drive by in your fancy car to your house up on the hill, and I am
picking up loose change trying to pay for what may be my last meal

My life has been hard, but I am not the begging kind. The next time
you look in your sons and daughters eyes, think of the fear in mine

Believe it or not, I am more afraid of you than you should ever be
of me

The difference between you and I is that Christ lives in me and that
you probably would not understand

You have no idea about God's love because you are unwilling to lend
me a hand

So instead of you judging me by circumstances you just don't know,
I'm placing the ball back in your court

Because contrary to your belief I'm not your average Joe

Be Blessed,

Lady 4.0

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What Does Your Life Say

I've been looking at life through rose colored glasses and it's changing the perception of my reality

I've become unfamiliar with my surroundings, and the question is "should I be?"

It's as if everything is moving in slow motion and I press fast forward to reach the place I am destined to be

The struggles are many but I except the challenge of becoming a better me

My eyes remain closed to block the pain of the past that I'm afraid to allow you to see

My mind is cluttered with images of those who have previously passed judgment on me

Truth be told if our deeds were measured you'd be the peasant and I'd be the queen

God has shown favor over my life even though my faith wasn't always there to see

The scars I have are signs that haters still exist and will attempt to crucify me just as they did JC

But knowing where my faith lies will give me the opportunity for testimony

My trails are an indication that God is preparing to elevate me

Be careful not to get swept up in my dust because the devil will be forced to flee

Don't question what you don't know, if in doubt education is the key

Don't waste time on causes that only promote your vanity

If God called you home today what would be printed on your obituary?

Would your life have been one of glamor or of great sacrifice?

It would be nice to be known for more than just living your life

Be Blessed,

Lady 4.0